Portfolio Update October 2024 | More delays | +58k CHF NW

Welcome to the Portfolio update of October 2024. September was another expensive month, find out how we spent our money…

Personal update

September was less exciting than expected due to more delays with the large migration project at work. I’m slowly starting to wonder if it might be time to move on as I’m unhappy with the pace/quality of our developer team. In IT there’s different levels of developers, on one end the C# developers that don’t use anything beyond Visual Studio and on the other end Full-Stack Rust/React/Haskell developers that build their own build/deploy pipelines. I kind of told myself that I should resign if we don’t go live this weekend of the 5th of October, which we didn’t ๐Ÿ™ We’ll see…

We had some fallout with the public school of my son trying to request 20 school days of in March 2025 to attend a wedding in Mexico. They declined the request with a statement that we already had the week off for the wedding in China this year. Our understanding was that they could do one except per school year, turns out they will do one exception per school level (kindergarden, primary, secondary). Well we handed in a formal complaint with the government council after which the dean of the school called me and requested to retract the complaint while in return he would review the request and approve it in our favor. Works for us, flights are booked now.

The last two weeks of September I had to stop bouldering because I got a stain removed from my skin on the arm at which place is now a horrible scar instead. Turned out it wasn’t malicious…

Good news for my readers: the Tesla referral program is back and will give you 1000 CHF off the list price of a new Tesla (and a 500 CHF merch/supercharging/service voucher for me).

Savings Rate: September 2024

Income / Expenses / Savings Rate for 2024 in CHF

Cash flow: September 2024

Cash Flow Sankey Diagram / All numbers in CHF

Total Income:ย 18’481 CHF (-190 CHF vs. last month) โ€“ Regular salary, ~2.3k CHF from validators, 390 CHF from dividens and 90 CHF from selling my old pixel watch.

Total Expenses:ย 11’926 CHF (+4’589 CHF vs. last month) It’s one of the quarters where I have to pay the mortgage interest rate and the maintenance payment to the property management company. besides that more german lessons for my wife and her B1 exam fee. Plus the flight tickets for Mexico on 2025 at 3k CHF. Plus the new phone of my wife, some new cloths (winter is coming).

Savings Rate:ย 35.47% (vs. 60.70% last month)ย โ€“ Certainly below target ๐Ÿ™

Net Worth: 1.726M CHF (+58k CHF vs. last month) – stocks and crypto recovered nicely

Stock Portfolio

Stock Portfolio value: 143’393 CHF (+4’046 CHF vs. last month)

Stock Symbols
Stock Portfolio at the end of this month

No activity in the stock department in September, I’m still hesitating investing more right now due to the conflict situation in Israel. If they kick off WW3 they will certainly drop. Maybe more Bitcoin instead…

Equity Portfolio

Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)

Nothing changed on that front. The new salary will see this position growing by ~30k CHF/year.

Crypto HODL Portfolio

Current HODL portfolio value: 478’773 CHF (~8.23 BTC / 574 KSM / 7490 DOT) (+46k CHF vs. last month)

Most of the NW gain coming from crypto, nothing new and will very likely stay like this forever.

Blog statistics

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.

That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.

One Reply to “Portfolio Update October 2024 | More delays | +58k CHF NW”

  1. Hi, thank you to take the time to share your data on this blog. Is it possible to explain more in details how you make 2.3k a month with validator ? Looks like a nice side business. Have a good sunday.

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