Happy 1 year anniversary: Fondue.blog

One year ago I started this blog. Let’s see what happened during that year in numbers:

I’d like to thank every single visitor that they stopped by and made my posts not just be a shouting into the void.

My plans for the remaining time of 2020 and 2021 is to write more regularly (ideally once a week), a somewhat tricky goal with an almost 3 year old toddler at home 🙂

Shout out to the MP Forum (for getting some sense into my head to abandon P2P) and my regular visitors: Tony, KMFinanzen, Matt, Mr.RIP

5 Replies to “Happy 1 year anniversary: Fondue.blog”

  1. Congrats on your first blog anniversary! I’ve enjoyed reading your journey this year. So much has happened in very little time.

    All the best for your second one.

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