KM Finanzen x Mr. Cheese Interview #1

KM Finanzen recently approached me to ask for an interview on his YouTube channel. He wanted to discuss my background and motivations around FIRE and crypto. What was planned to be a 60min interview turned into 2h and was a very enjoyable experience. The interview was in German (sorry English speaking/reading audience).

If you’re interested in the interview check it out here:

I liked the format of talking instead of writing but I currently don’t plan to start my own YouTube channel. There might be a future interview with Mr. RIP in English language sometime next year.

Let me know in the comments if you liked the interview incase you understand German and have 2 hours to spare to listen to it.

6 Replies to “KM Finanzen x Mr. Cheese Interview #1”

      1. Thanks a lot for your response. The link to Youtube does work but unfortunately the video was set to private.

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