Portfolio Update December 2022 – FTX Crash! -15k CHF NW

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of December 2022. We’re back from Mexico. FTX blew up and took down the crypto market quite a bit.

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Portfolio Update November 2022 – PHAntastic month +63k CHF net worth

Sunset from the Hotel we’ve stayed at in Mexico

Welcome to the rather delayed Portfolio update of November 2022. We’ve went to Mexico at the end of October and are still there for a bit. I simply didn’t find time/motivation to do the accounting.

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Portfolio Update October 2022 – Great Income / Shitty market

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of October 2022. I happened to go to Paris in the first week of October again so that’s a good excuse for the delay of this post.

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Portfolio Update September 2022 – New job & Paris

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of September 2022. Took me a while to get to write this post as the beginning of September was super busy. On the 3rd day of my new job I happened to visit Paris.

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Portfolio Update August 2022 – +27k CHF NW and course correction

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of August 2022. Stocks and Crypto recovered a bit in July. However I manned up and went for a course correction… by changing my job.

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Portfolio Update July 2022 – 115k CHF down the market drain

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of July 2022. Stocks and Crypto were in a free fall and took a good junk of our net worth with them… we’re down a whopping 217k CHF from our ATH net worth, that’s almost the money I would have spent on a new car… meh.

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Portfolio Update June 2022 – -50k CHF NW thanks to crypto

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of June 2022. Crypto tanked further and ate another 50k CHF NW from us.

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Portfolio Update May 2022 – weak market -50k CHF NW

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of May 2022. Mr. Market was weak in April and stocks & crypto tanked badly. Hitting our net worth by 50k CHF.

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Portfolio Update April 2022 – Millionaires again!

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of April 2022. Increased the side-income stream to 2.9k CHF and got another call from the jewelry store. Also our net worth increased by 90k CHF.

Continue reading “Portfolio Update April 2022 – Millionaires again!”

Portfolio Update March 2022 – -19k CHF NW & Family back

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of March 2022. Tapped into a new 1k CHF income stream, 15k CHF taxes and other happenings of this month.

Continue reading “Portfolio Update March 2022 – -19k CHF NW & Family back”