How to setup QNAP Cloud Backup using Infomaniak Swiss Backup

I recently setup a QNAP Backup for my NAS and realized that the documentation available from Infomaniak for QNAP is a bit outdated. So I thought to write an article about it. Infomaniak offers a product called “Swiss Backup” (affiliate link, I earn a little commission when using this link) where they guarantee that all data stays safe in Switzerland. They have a 90 Day free trial and afterward pretty competitive pricing for Swiss standards.

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7 things I wished I knew before I bought/built my apartment and 6 things I would do again

The floorplan of my 100sqm apartment which I bought/built in 2016/2017.

In 2016 after breaking up with my girlfriend of that time I started looking into buying an apartment close to work. I’ve seen one being offered for almost 5 months for a reasonable price and in August 2016 I started checking it out. It was a 100sqm apartment in a 4 floor house (plus basement) with 5 other apartments. The apartment I was interested in was kept by the owner of the land as a potential apartment for himself and it was pretty much in a raw state. That means no floors (except for the concrete and heating pipes) and no finish on the walls and no built-in closets. The price: 810k CHF plus one parking spot for 40k CHF totaling in 850k CHF.

Continue reading “7 things I wished I knew before I bought/built my apartment and 6 things I would do again”

Portfolio Update October 2020

Swiss coins

Welcome to the Portfolio update of October 2020. I managed to dissolve 14k CHF of my P2P portfolio this month. Net worth didn’t grow much because of exchange rate and weak stock market.

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Business Ideas: Social Network Assistant

Todays business idea: Social Network Assistant aka The Friendship app. Bring social network back to real life and get help managing meeting your friends in real life.

Might not exactly be the right time for this idea due to COVID-19 tho.

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Business Ideas: Uber for restaurant/catering staff

I present you another business idea: The Uber for restaurant staff/catering events. Flexible waiter/server staff for flexible needs.

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Portfolio Update September 2020

Swiss coins

Welcome to the Portfolio update of September 2020. I’m in the process of dissolving the P2P portfolio and making insane profits with Tesla stocks.

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Business Ideas: Mobile-first Restaurant

I present you the mobile-first restaurant idea. Cut down waiter round-trips and let guests use the phones they already have.

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Pulling out of P2P Investing after 9 months

When I started this blog I had the goal to document my journey to financial independence and generally have a place where I can talk about money and finances. We’re 9 months later and face total profits of 2114 EUR vs. losses of 8720 EUR (including Grupeer which still has a chance to recover).

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Portfolio Update August 2020

Swiss coins

Welcome to the Portfolio update of August 2020. 35k CHF Income and 19k CHF savings. Yay. And I passed my boat exam 😀

Let’s see how the the P2P Portfolio performed.

Updated: 05.08.2020 I found the missing 19k CHF net worth xD

Continue reading “Portfolio Update August 2020”

Pi-hole not working with newest Chrome – How to fix it!

I recently enabled IPv6 in my network and since that my Pi-hole ad-blocking stopped working. After a rather long investigation I figured out that the enabling of IPv6 in my local network was a red-herring. The problem is Chrome 84.

Continue reading “Pi-hole not working with newest Chrome – How to fix it!”