Are Facebook Ads a fraud?

I’ve spend 25$ for a Facebook Ad and Facebook claims that 281 people have clicked the link. But I’ve only received 80 clicks with a referrer from Facebook according to the sites statistics.

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Portfolio update February 2020

Swiss coins

Welcome to the Portfolio update of February 2020. We first look at income and spending of the month and then at the P2P Portfolio value and changes.

As you might have guessed it from my previous post there is a negative surprise.

Continue reading “Portfolio update February 2020”

Envestio vanished – Wisefund next?

So it looks like the collapse of Kuetzal triggered some kind of Bank run. The Envestio website is currently not reachable. After some very unprofessional Twitter duelling with a apparent industry insider RPeerDuck (Twitter profile deleted now due to death threats). Are my 2’006 € from Envestio gone then? Very likely. I have yet to filed a Police report with the Estonian Police.

The last message posted on Tuesday the 21st of January 2020 from Envestio :

Continue reading “Envestio vanished – Wisefund next?”

Kuetzal shutting down!

Kuetzal logo
Source: Kuetzal

Kuetzal is effectively shutting down operations. Since I signed up for Kuetzal but didn’t end up investing in the platform I get email updates from them. This is the email I got today:

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Investing 30k EUR in different P2P Lending platforms

The plan was set in stone in December. To invest 30k 28k EUR in different P2P Lending platforms at the beginning of January.

But let’s rewind to the week of Christmas. I proactively started signing up with the 15 different P2P lending/investing platforms on Monday 23rd of December and continued on Tuesday 24th of December.

Continue reading “Investing 30k EUR in different P2P Lending platforms”

Portfolio update January 2020 – 2019 Review

Swiss coins

Welcome to my second portfolio update. December was as expected a pretty fat month. I made 50k CHF and spent 15k CHF.

Keep reading to find out more…

Continue reading “Portfolio update January 2020 – 2019 Review”

Starting my P2P Portfolio – But how?

I analysed the performance of 6 different EU P2P investing blogs to figure out which platforms offer the highest returns. However historic performance is never an indicator for future performance.

So remember my investment strategy/policy? No? Check it out in the About page.

Let’s get right to the point, I will have ~30k CHF available to invest on 1st of January and another 30k CHF by the end of January. So my portfolio should be around 60k CHF/EUR at the beginning of February 2020.


Let’s check out the XIRR of the 6 best performing EU P2P investing blogs:

Continue reading “Starting my P2P Portfolio – But how?”

Portfolio update December 2019

Swiss coins

Welcome to the Portfolio income update of December 2019. Well there’s no P2P portfolio yet, so let’s talk about income, expenses and saving rate of 2019 so far.

Continue reading “Portfolio update December 2019”

Tesla Model S P85D (2015) vs Model S Performance (2019) comparison

tl;dr: After recently test driving a new Tesla Model S Performance I was impressed with the changes of the last 4 years. However I was very disappointed with the latest Autopilot version.

Continue reading “Tesla Model S P85D (2015) vs Model S Performance (2019) comparison”