Portfolio Update August 2024 | Parties & Vacations | +31k CHF NW

Welcome to the Portfolio update of August 2024. We attended/hosted some cool parties and had nice vacation. Read more to learn more…

Personal update

In July I’ve been working roughly 8 days, the big release is coming up at work but we’re more and more confident that it will go smoothly. I’m again looking for a new employee and had first interviews, still happy with my latest hire but the guy leaving is noticeably dropping his quality of work which is not ideal.

The first July weekend we’ve celebrated the 4th of July with my best friend from MegaCorp, was a nice party with interesting people, drinks and good food. My son had scarlet fever in that week so we left him with my parents. The day after we’ve organized a neighborhood party with the neighbors in our house and 28 people showed up, luckily we’ve set it up in our parking garage so we were not affected by the terrible rainy weather. The bunch of kids that showed up had a good time and we’ve again had some great grilled food and lots to drink. Less than 12 hours later we’ve then however took the airplane to Rome to visit my wifes brother who was there for a business trip. I was a bit hungover and not excited about the 36C in the shadow but we eventually enjoyed the 4 days there.

One mind opening experience was the purchasing of new underwear in a UNIQLO store in Rome. I wore Calida underwear for most of my life and wasn’t really happy with their boxer shorts and ohh boy are the ones from UNIQLO much more comfortable. I can highly recommend people to question their underwear choice. I’ve also got a shirt that does not get wet from sweat and it worked as advertised.

Back in Switzerland I’ve worked for 2.5 days and then we packed for Lanzarote. Another super early flight (at 06:00!!) required us to stay close to the airport so we spent the night in the Ibis Hotel… very uncomfortable and in hindsight we’ve realized we could have taken the 03:35 train from our place to reach the airport at more or less the same time. Well that 4 hour flight was ok and the weather in Lanzarote exactly to my taste, it’s year round between 18-27C there and always a bit windy. The hotel itself was a bit of a mixed bag, the rooms were nice but the beds not very comfortable, the food was good but there wasn’t a lot of variety so we went out for dinner 3 times to the surrounding restaurants. And as a souvenir my wife and me brought home a COVID infection… so I couldn’t enjoy the last two days in the hotel due to fever and shivers.

Again back home I’ve worked as much as possible but ended up sleeping a lot due to the tiredness from COVID. At the end of July we’ve attended a 40tiest birthday party of a good friend which also was nice. It was rainy when we showed up but eventually stopped despite the weather forecast claiming rain all night long.

Savings Rate: July 2024

Income / Expenses / Savings Rate for 2024 in CHF

Cash flow: July 2024

Cash Flow Sankey Diagram / All numbers in CHF

Total Income: 19’216 CHF (+1’685.34 CHF vs. last month) – New higher salary, ~3k CHF from validators and 545 CHF from dividends. In the sankey I’ve moved the payback of social security from my side gig company to the income side, that’s why numbers don’t match up.

Total Expenses: 4’337 CHF (15’117 CHF incl. Taxes) (-8’220 CHF vs. last month) Since we’ve paid the trips in June already and had all-inclusive food for 10 days the rest of the expenses were rather low. Obviously the 10k CHF for taxes and 8k CHF for the new Omega watch are conveniently ignored.

Savings Rate: 77.43% (vs. 28.37% last month) – Me likey, if only all months were like that. Savings rate including the taxes looks much worse.

Net Worth: 1.74M CHF (+31k CHF vs. last month) – Looking at the deltas the gain mostly came from crypto and stocks.

Stock Portfolio

Stock Portfolio value: 151’362 CHF (+11’688 CHF vs. last month)

Stock Symbols
Stock Portfolio at the end of this month

During the vacation in Lanzarote Crowdstrike, a very popular Anti-Virus/Endpoint Protection company, fucked up an update and killed 8.5 million Windows PCs worldwide. I’ve used the opportunity to open a PUT position on them. Currently sitting at 12k CHF profit.

Equity Portfolio

Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)

Nothing changed on that front. The new salary will see this position growing by ~30k CHF/year.

Crypto HODL Portfolio

Current HODL portfolio value: 507’249 CHF (~8.23 BTC / 467 KSM / 5134 DOT / 23k+ PHA) (+27k CHF vs. last month)

Mt.Gox payed out my 0.23 BTC from the bankruptcy which I’ve immediately moved to my cold wallet.

Blog statistics

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.

That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.

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