Welcome to the Portfolio update of February 2024. This month was expensive, the yearly health insurance premiums and some travel, added to the bill.
Personal update
Job wise my January was quite stressful, my boss was out so some of the work trickled down to me and the goals for this sprint (SCRUM Project management term) were quite ambitious. I’ve underestimated the ramp up time of the new guy and by the end of January I had to give up an external contractor resource due to cost saving measures.
We’ve finished booking the China trip and got the visas last week. Damn those were expensive (470 CHF for 3 single entry visas). Then I’ve booked a trip to Porto with some friends in April for which I’ve had to pay the flight and my wife will use the spring holidays to visit her family in Mexico with my son which added more bills to the expenses.
I’m pretty happy with my new PC, brought one of the watches for a repair (the green Oris one) because it switched dates at 21:00 in the evening instead of midnight.
In early January I’ve also been contacted by a headhunter for a rather interesting role as CTO for a somewhat famous company. I’m on the fence about switching jobs already again, the current one is interesting enough to do it for another year or two and my CV starts to look a bit too “job hopper”-y. It’s also super tiresome to start over at a new job again. But hey if the offer is attractive enough I might give it a shot.
Savings Rate: January 2024

Cash flow: January 2024

Total Income: 16’063 CHF (-9’845 CHF vs. last month) – Regular salary, plus some sold stuff, measly 1.1k CHF from validators and nice 464 CHF from stock dividends.
Total Expenses: 15’808 CHF (-1’640 CHF vs. last month) Some big ticket items: 9k CHF for the health insurances for the 3 of us, 1866 CHF for travel (flights for Porto & Mexico), 1776 CHF for services (China Visas, FastGraphs stockmarket tool, German lessons for wife, TV/Radio tax), on a positive note I’ve got some 3154 CHF back from the social security insurance due to my projected income for the Validators being much lower than expected. These are deducted from the expenses while in the Sankey above they show up as income because Sankey can’t handle negative values.
Savings Rate: 1.59% (vs. 45.31% last month) – RIP savings rate. I really need to adjust my spending because I’ve been used to get the juicy bonus in January for 7 years at megacorp.
Net Worth: 1.071M CHF (-3k CHF vs. last month) – Crypto was a bit up, stocks almost the same and basically zero savings.
Stock Portfolio
Stock Portfolio value: 102’509 CHF (-118 CHF vs. last month)
Stock Symbols |
MO |
RF |
VT |
I have way too much cash right now with over 40k CHF in the bank, will need to move some to IBKR in early February. I’ve took some profits with DLR (up 56%) and bought the dip in MPW. Their financials still look solid and they’ve recently agreed on some payment plan for one of their almost defaulted tenants. I do expect a recovery to ~10 USD in the next two years.
Equity Portfolio
Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)
Nothing changed on that front
Crypto HODL Portfolio
Current HODL portfolio value: 337’118 CHF (~7.9 BTC / 404 KSM / 4718 DOT / 27k+ PHA) (+5k CHF vs. last month)
The launch of the Bitcoin Spot ETFs didn’t really bring the expected upwards moves yet. I believe there’s a lot of over-the-counter trading so that price almost isn’t affected.
Blog statistics
Worse than December, better than November.

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.
That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.
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