Portfolio Update February 2025 | Back 2 Work & Sicily | +85k CHF net worth

Welcome to the Portfolio update of February 2025. I was in (rainy) Sicily and crypto is pumping…

Personal update

On the first work day of January I had quite the lack of motivation. The crypto portfolio would allow me to coast about 6-10 years (in Switzerland, much longer in lower cost countries) w/o any income so there was a big question in my mind why I even should bother to get out of bed. It was somewhat bearable even if the external consultants brought in a new guy which they fired within a week due to him wanting to change companies. Also financing for my Senior DevOps Engineer is still not secured so tons of work staying with me. I might consider reducing working hours to 80% or less as I currently lack excitement from this gig.

I’ve also went for a weekend trip to Catania, Sicily with two friends. Unfortunately the weather was rather bad. One day pouring heavy rain, two days of on and off cloudy/rainy skies but the last day we finally managed to see the Etna vulcano. I have to admit that southern Italy seems rather poor, most of the buildings were very run down and lots of unmaintained ruins throughout the city. Prices and food were however pretty good except for the 6km taxi ride from the airport to the AirBnB that did cost us 46 EUR (Italian taxi mafia actively kicking out Uber & Co). The trip back with “Uber Black” was only 20 EUR which seemed to be some standard price, however that van didn’t qualify for my expectations of “Uber Black” at all. As usual we’ve walked 70k+ steps in those 4 days… might need to look for travel companions with a bigger focus on chilling and drinking instead.

In January I’ve also started a new project with my coworker, a bit of a OnlyFans clone but with focus lower commissions and some specific niche. Currently collecting email addresses of interested creators & customers. But I will likely not post here much about it.

The Polkadot/Kusama validator setup poured in quite some money as my validator became full time active in the Decentralized Nodes program, ~6k CHF was pretty juicy.

Savings Rate: January 2025

Income / Expenses / Savings Rate for 2025 in CHF

Cash flow: January 2025

Cash Flow Sankey Diagram / All numbers in CHF

Total Income: 21’586 CHF (+2679 CHF vs. last month) – Regular salary, ~6k CHF from validators, 378 CHF from dividends. I expect that the validator income stays like this for the next 2-3 months and then drops off again.

Total Expenses: 20’316 CHF (+6’466 CHF vs. last month) (25’175 CHF incl. Taxes) The yearly health insurance payment which I pay in one go was ~10k CHF alone, then quite some expenses for Travel (we’ve booked another trip to Vienna in February). Plus clothing and services. 442 CHF for fastgraphs.com which I use for my stock portfolio analytics (It made me roughly 5k CHF in unrealized gains so 10% of that for a good tool is worth it). I expect February to be a bit less expensive.

Savings Rate: 5.88% (vs. 26.74% last month) – off to a low start, but I’m convinced we will hit the 50% mark a few times this year.

Net Worth: 2.1M CHF (+85k CHF vs. last month) – that’s a pretty neat gain, mostly thanks to crypto. Would be great if crypto increases would allow each month to retire for one year longer 😀

Stock Portfolio

Stock Portfolio value: 155’135 CHF (+6’461 CHF vs. last month)

Stock Symbols
PATH (UI Path)
SSTK (Shutterstock)
Stock Portfolio at the end of this month

I should probably sell some of the loosers of the portfolio as several don’t seem to have a good outlook (e.g. WBA, MPW, SSTK).

Equity Portfolio

Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)

Nothing changed on that front. This position will be growing by ~30k CHF/year around March.

Crypto HODL Portfolio

Current HODL portfolio value: 830’392 CHF (~8.37 BTC / 674 KSM / 9449 DOT) (+85k CHF vs. last month)

Just markets pumping even if they retreated a bit again towards the end of January.

Blog statistics

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.

That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.

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