Portfolio Update July 2024 | Stress & Promotion | -57k CHF NW

Welcome to the Portfolio update of July 2024. I’ve got promoted to CISO and was very stressed out in June. Read more to learn more…

Personal update

June was rather stressful at work. We want to go live with 3 different new products plus re-architect the existing platform within one release. Pretty unrealistic so I had to hold up the white flag and make everyone aware what they’re asking from the devs & IT. Most of the business people weren’t aware that we’re basically trying to change the engines of a flying plane. So taskforces were created, plans were made, deadlines were missed. Stress was accumulating. The C-level management of the company decided to justify my salary adjustment by giving me the CISO title, a job I’ve basically already did anyway.

So much stress in fact that I’ve spontaneously booked a 10 day 5 star all-inclusive get away in Lanzarote in mid July, just to let my batteries recharge properly. That’s kind of the longest vacation I’ve had in a long time (sure besides the month long Mexico trips which often feel less relaxing due to packed program with meeting family of my wife). I also had some interesting encounters in June. I joined an investor party of a friend on a cruise boat on the lake of Zurich where I’ve met some interesting investors chasing the latest and greatest startup investments in Switzerland. Been to a Porsche event which ended up as a gourmet dining experience in the middle of a forest on a rainy evening. The guests there were on quite a large salary band, from the mechanic who enthusiastically builds some old resto-mod Porsche in his garage to the super rich couple complaining about how they sometimes get bored in their 33 room mansion and how their 911 broke down because it wasn’t driven enough. Luckily they have 5 other cars that still work. Mind boggling… different level of society come with different kinds of problems.

Then I’ve also met my mentee Marek (thanks for the drinks!) for the first time in person. Almost 10 year of age difference yet pretty much on the same wavelength regarding interests and ideas.

To deal with the stress I’ve went climbing 3 consecutive weeks in a row, something I really should keep up given my currently rather high body weight.

Phala price was unfortunately collapsing together with the rest of the crypto market which took down most of the net worth this month.

Sneak peak for next months update: For the CISO promotion I’ve rewarded myself with a new watch, an Omega Apollo 8 Dark Side of the Moon for 8’000 CHF (second hand). And two days later I’ve received the provisional tax bill over 11’000 CHF đź’€.

Savings Rate: June 2024

Income / Expenses / Savings Rate for 2024 in CHF

Cash flow: June 2024

Cash Flow Sankey Diagram / All numbers in CHF

Total Income: 17’530 CHF (-1’479 CHF vs. last month) – Regular salary, ~3.5k CHF from validators and 530 CHF from dividends. New salary should be paid out in July for the first time, looking forward to it.

Total Expenses: 12’557 CHF (15’212 CHF incl. Taxes) (+5’237 CHF vs. last month) If it wasn’t for the spontanous holidays which did cost 5’288 CHF and the quarterly mortgage payment at 1’173 CHF it would have almost been a cheap month in terms of spending.

Savings Rate: 28.37% (vs. 61.49% last month) â€“ Well… crap…

Net Worth: 1.71M CHF (-57k CHF vs. last month) – Basically all gains from last month were returned thanks to weak Bitcoin. I expect it to trade sideways until end of September/October.

Stock Portfolio

Stock Portfolio value: 139’674 CHF (-1’560 CHF vs. last month)

Stock Symbols
Stock Portfolio at the end of this month

No activity in the stock portfolio happened as I was too busy at work to have time to invest. The 10k CHF laying around from validator income probably will go towards paying the taxes instead of investment in stocks.

Equity Portfolio

Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)

Nothing changed on that front. The new salary will see this position growing by ~30k CHF/year.

Crypto HODL Portfolio

Current HODL portfolio value: 480’841 CHF (~8 BTC / 467 KSM / 5134 DOT / 23k+ PHA) (-54k CHF vs. last month)

No activity on crypto front. Phala joint venture as mentioned returned a measly 886 CHF.

Blog statistics

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.

That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.

3 Replies to “Portfolio Update July 2024 | Stress & Promotion | -57k CHF NW”

  1. Always interesting to read

    Yeah I’ve met extremely wealthy people, issues are the same but on a very very different scale. Like an owner of a 130k watch saying it was crap, but ok to lay in New York his workers 45k a year. He didn’t see the issue

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