Portfolio Update May 2024 | Alone time & city trip | -43k CHF net worth

Welcome to the Portfolio update of May 2024. My family went to Mexico, I went to Porto with two friends and had some time for myself! Read more to learn more…

Personal update

In April we’ve setup our new office at work including me getting the internet ready for the whole place. 10Gbps Init7 FTTH for 777.- CHF/year is a great offering in Switzerland. Due to the absence of my family I had tons of time to socialize with coworkers over beers/drinks. This also included a 8 day streak drinking alcohol… poor liver. Since I’m more and more realizing that there will be very limited upside in the current job I’ve started to look around for new opportunities, might even go back to the Crypto craze.

My family went to Mexico and I went to Porto with two friends of mine. Unfortunately those guys are super eager to see everything whenever we do city trips so we’ve walked 52km in 4 days! However we’ve made sure to stay plenty hydrated and checking out all the Port-Wine manufacturers. Porto is generally a nice yet very steep city with a rather relaxed atmosphere and great weather. The weekend before the city trip I’ve also went shooting with some friends and my Dungeons & Dragons sessions re-started again.

I’ve realized that I didn’t add the join-venture income for the whole year 2024 yet which I’ve now did. Too lazy to update the individual posts tho, check the Savings Rate page regarding the actual numbers.

Savings Rate: April 2024

Income / Expenses / Savings Rate for 2024 in CHF

Cash flow: April 2024

Cash Flow Sankey Diagram / All numbers in CHF

Total Income: 18’228 CHF (-12’054 CHF vs. last month) – Regular salary, jucy 4.5k CHF from validators and 187 CHF from dividends.

Total Expenses: 7’868 CHF (-4’146 CHF vs. last month) Traveling of family and myself was 2.7k CHF, Groceries and Pub visits ~2k CHF, tire change for the car for 195 CHF, some Swimming lessons for my son at 130 CHF, some electronics for work and 130 CHF for the shooing range.

Savings Rate: 56.84% (vs. -3.5% last month) – Savings rate ok, didn’t spend excessively.

Net Worth: 1.269M CHF (-43k CHF vs. last month) – The crypto market dropped a bit again.

Stock Portfolio

Stock Portfolio value: 117’003 CHF (+1’481 CHF vs. last month)

Stock Symbols
Stock Portfolio at the end of this month

Didn’t touch the stock portfolio at all and given the large amounts of cash laying around I will probably drop around 20k CHF into the portfolio in May.

Equity Portfolio

Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)

Nothing changed on that front. The general assembly was on my 7th day of alcohol drinking streak, numbers look generally ok but not amazing.

Crypto HODL Portfolio

Current HODL portfolio value: 508’222 CHF (~7.9 BTC / 467 KSM / 5134 DOT / 23k+ PHA) (-54k CHF vs. last month)

The Bitcoin halving event didn’t bring the promised rally just yet, but the spring/summer months were historically rather weak anyway.

Blog statistics

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.

That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.

11 Replies to “Portfolio Update May 2024 | Alone time & city trip | -43k CHF net worth”

  1. I own my apartment and pay mortgage interest and maintenance fees only every 3 months.

  2. How do you find your CTO roles and specially jobs in the crypto space? are these swiss companies or remote jobs? im looking to go the same path. any chance to connect?

    1. They usually find me thru Head hunters. The current case would be some strange setup of 8 companies across 3 countries but kind of remote (most ppl are outside of Switzerland) however they have an office in Zug. There are tons of job boards for crypto jobs in general.

  3. Which coin is it for your validator? And how much did you need to invest in it to get such a nice monthly revenue?

    1. Kusama and Polkadot. To join the thousand validator program I had to buy 25 KSM at the height of the 2021 bullrun for about 8000 CHF. Luckily I didn’t need to bring up the 5000 DOT for the far more lucrative participation in the Polkadot 1KV program.

  4. How is it possible that you did not need to bring up 5000 DOT to become a validator node on the polkadot blockchain?

    1. I was originally added in the old good-faith rule where validators that demonstrated stable Kusama nodes were added w/o the needed bond. With the switch to the Decentralized nodes program I now was also required to provide the 7500 DOT self-stake. Which I fortunately amassed in the last 2 years.

      1. Impressive and 7.5k DOT is quite some skin in the game… I don’t find any clear information nowadays how many DOTs are required for becoming a validator. Is it still 7.5k? Do you also have just one single validator? Because the revenue you generate out of that is quite impressive. I mean in less than 1y you have ROId your initial investment. So I am also looking into that.

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