Portfolio Update September 2024 | More vacations & work | -80k CHF Net Worth

Welcome to the Portfolio update of September 2024. This one took a bit longer due to lack of energy and busy weekends…

Personal update

In August I’ve been back at work practically fulltime. The big migration project is progressing. A new potential employee rejected the offer to get the job due to us questioning him about the many job changes. Turns out he’s joining my weekly Thursday bouldering sessions now instead.

Luckily there were a few days where we were able to go to Ascona, unfortunately my wife picked up another infection and got sick again. August was generally not her best month health wise, constant head-aches and throat aches were bothering her.

I in the meantime enjoyed another dinner with that super rich couple from Lucerne, learnt a lot about how they got into money and their family life. Interestingly the adopted daughter of the guy doesn’t like his current wife and calls her a Gold Digger and he’s seemingly concerned about how he can pass on his fortune in fair ways so everyone can benefit from it. Also funny anecdote was that they do jewelry gifts to each other regularly with the budget being 500k CHF per piece (mindblowing to me as somewhat regular pleb…). He allegedly has a vault with 400+ watches, would love to see that one.

On the last day of August we went for a hike and walked down mount Pilatus for 3.5h, my knees almost exploded by the time we’ve reached our car again. Fortunately we’ve treated ourselves to a delicious burrito from Buenos Burritos in Emmen (highly recommended).

I’ve impulse bought a Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold and a few days later the hinge of my wifes Galaxy Z Flip 4 broke so I ordered a new Galaxy Z Flip 6 for her… expensive month 😀

Savings Rate: August 2024

Income / Expenses / Savings Rate for 2024 in CHF

Cash flow: August 2024

Cash Flow Sankey Diagram / All numbers in CHF

Total Income: 18’671 CHF (-544.03 CHF vs. last month) – Regular salary, ~3k CHF from validators and 20 CHF from dividends

Total Expenses: 7’337 CHF (12’475 CHF incl. Taxes) (+3’000 CHF vs. last month) Big positions on this one were a 1.3k CHF health expense (some MRI scan from May), 800 CHF for the two nights in Ascona, ~600 CHF for electricity for the last 3 months and 150 CHF for new chairs. There were also 5.1k CHF taxes from the canton of Obwalden because my company which I use to invoice the validator incomes is still registered there, I will move it to Zug asap as it’s not worth to pay that much to them.

Savings Rate: 60.70% (vs. 77.43% last month) – Could be worse.

Net Worth: 1.669M CHF (-80k CHF vs. last month) – Oh man that one hurts, mostly stocks and crypto tanking. Also USD is pretty weak.

Stock Portfolio

Stock Portfolio value: 139’347 CHF (-12’015 CHF vs. last month)

Stock Symbols
Stock Portfolio at the end of this month

I’ve sold the Crowdstrike Puts at around 3k CHF in profit because the stock recovered pretty quickly. I believe they’re riding the AI hypetrain a bit and didn’t get any large law suits for the 8.5M Windows PC fuckup yet.

Equity Portfolio

Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)

Nothing changed on that front. The new salary will see this position growing by ~30k CHF/year.

Crypto HODL Portfolio

Current HODL portfolio value: 433’255 CHF (~8.23 BTC / 467 KSM / 5134 DOT / 23k+ PHA) (-74k CHF vs. last month)

Ouch, there’s my net worth loss coming from. Might be a good opportunity to load up more. I’m convinced that we will see a new all time high before end of this year. October & November are historically great for Crypto and the US elections will fuel the price further.

Blog statistics

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.

That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.

9 Replies to “Portfolio Update September 2024 | More vacations & work | -80k CHF Net Worth”

  1. What do you mean with equity portfolio? Are they not the same as stock portfolio? I am only a bit confused. Thank you.

    1. That’s private equity (stocks in the current company I hold which are not publicly traded). I do track that differently from stock portfolio.

  2. The super reach couple is interesting. Must be filling like a parallel universe. For me just these 500 kCHF would be a game changer. No envy here, being reach does not equal no problems. They just change)

    Weekly bouldering is great. I got in love with climbing a few years ago. Now the challenge is to somehow combine running and climbing. At the moment I think I am failing)) because the 2 sports do not translate well.

    1. Yeah completely different world to mine.

      What’s your goal with the two sports? Which parts does running train which climbing doesn’t? Maybe going twice to climbing instead of mixing have the same outcome?

  3. well, for the moment running is the main one. I do 4 times running and 2 times climbing. Running trains stamina very good and it is highly focused on the legs. climbing is much more about power especially of the upper part of the body.
    I guess there 2 main issues. One is finding the right balance and time for recovery. Being 42, I do need time for recovery unfortunately. I guess, should this discussion happen when I was 20 – I could just have increased climbing to 3 times and it would have still been fine.
    And the other is that doing climbing only 2 times a week gives very little chance to progress.
    What is linking the two is the fact that I love both and my love to the mountains. I am planning to move my running more to the Alps.

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