Portfolio Update February 2021 – +337k NW!!

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of February 2021. Who taught December was crazy? January was the real deal. 73k income, 250k re-evaluation of the apartment value!

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Portfolio Update January 2021 – +69k CHF Net Worth O.o

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Happy new year and welcome to the Portfolio update of January 2021. What a month! Exceptionally good stock market performance and cryptos going thru the roof.

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Portfolio Update December 2020 – 500k baby!

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of December 2020. We are half-millionaires, wohoooo!!

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Portfolio Update November 2020

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of November 2020. I managed to dissolve 4k EUR of my P2P portfolio this month. Net worth grew quite a bit probably due to currency fluctuations.

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Portfolio Update October 2020

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of October 2020. I managed to dissolve 14k CHF of my P2P portfolio this month. Net worth didn’t grow much because of exchange rate and weak stock market.

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Portfolio Update September 2020

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of September 2020. I’m in the process of dissolving the P2P portfolio and making insane profits with Tesla stocks.

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Portfolio Update August 2020

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of August 2020. 35k CHF Income and 19k CHF savings. Yay. And I passed my boat exam 😀

Let’s see how the the P2P Portfolio performed.

Updated: 05.08.2020 I found the missing 19k CHF net worth xD

Continue reading “Portfolio Update August 2020”

Portfolio Update July 2020

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of July 2020. -16k CHF Networth and a negative Savings Rate. Fuck x(

Let’s see how the the P2P Portfolio performed.

Continue reading “Portfolio Update July 2020”

Portfolio Update June 2020

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of June 2020. +11k CHF Networth and a Savings Rate of 50%. Awesome 😀

Let’s see how the the P2P Portfolio performed.

Continue reading “Portfolio Update June 2020”

Portfolio update May 2020

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Welcome to the Portfolio update of May 2020. A bit of recovery on all fronts, Net worth looks better again (partly because I adjusted the applied exchange rates for USD and EUR assets). And Savings Rate beyond 60% which is awesome as it was a regular income month.

Let’s see how the the P2P Portfolio performed.

Continue reading “Portfolio update May 2020”