Welcome to the Portfolio update of November 2024. October was probably one of the most stressful months I’ve ever had…
Personal update
Guess what? The release (production migration of our IT product) was moved again. So I talked to the CEO on the 31st of October and indicated my wish to resign. We however came up with an acceptable compromise that they will reduce my notice period of 6 months to 3 months in February so I have another 3 months time to think if I wanna move on and for them to come up with the key player incentive compensation plans to make me staying another 3 year worthwhile or not. Hiring also doesn’t progress much, would have liked to hire a student fresh out of EPFL/ETH but our CTO vetoed against it. Back to square one…
I also had a bunch of burnout related symptoms, like some form of panic attack/nervous breakdown, extreme tiredness (one Friday I went to bed at 7pm and slept till 8am the next day) and a general feeling of tension around the chest area. Who knows, maybe there’s not many portfolios updates to come (we have some heart attack / stroke history in our family…)
In October I’ve met again the super rich couple in Zurich, I’m still fascinated on how their world is vastly different from ours. Turns out their favorite hotel in Saint Tropez costs 6k CHF/night during high season xD. They shared some video of their grand child in their hallway which is about 3 times the size of the bedroom of my son, really makes you think which choice of road at crucial intersections in your life you fucked up to not be at such a level. (Well they’re 70 & 53, so I still kind of have time to catch up, but unless Bitcoins massively explode in value it’s unlikely I catch up…) The dinner in the fancy restaurant did cost us 880 CHF for 4 people 💀 (then split 420:460 between me and my friend)
On a positive note we had some nice weekend excursions as a family, forcing oneselves out to the nature does calm the mind a bit.
Savings Rate: October 2024

Cash flow: October 2024

Total Income: 18’854 CHF (+372 CHF vs. last month) – Regular salary, ~2.2k CHF from validators, 407 CHF from dividens and 500 CHF from my webhosting side-gig (technically accrued in August but didn’t account for it until now).
Total Expenses: 4’756 CHF (10154 CHF incl. Taxes) (-7’170 CHF vs. last month) I will really need to move my sole proprietorship company to Zug, my very nice car license plate is not worth those 5k CHF in taxes… otherwise somewhat frugal month, we got back 1733 CHF worth of Doctor payments because we switched my wife to the basic insurance model where more specialists are covered w/o questions asked. For my daily commute I’ve now switched to a monthly SBB pass which costs around 74 CHF.
Savings Rate: 74.77% (vs. 35.47% last month) – Acceptable 🙂
Net Worth: 1.784M CHF (+59k CHF vs. last month) – second month in a row with ~60k CHF net worth gains… let’s continue that 😀
Stock Portfolio
Stock Portfolio value: 142’101 CHF (-1’292 CHF vs. last month)
Stock Symbols |
MO |
PATH (UI Path) -> currently undervalued stock pivoting into AI |
SSTK (Shutterstock) -> if management is not totally stupid they will be able to pivot in to AI image generation an massively boost their already juicy margins |
VT |
I’ve massively rearranged the stock portfolio, reviewed each stock with fastgraphs.com (where I have a premium subscription) and set sales order for all stocks where I don’t see a 20% gain opportunity in the next two years.
Equity Portfolio
Equity Portfolio value: 80’070 CHF (+0 CHF vs. last month)
Nothing changed on that front. This position will be growing by ~30k CHF/year.
Crypto HODL Portfolio
Current HODL portfolio value: 536’131 CHF (~8.23 BTC / 574 KSM / 7590 DOT) (+57k CHF vs. last month)
Most of the NW gain coming from crypto, nothing new and will very likely stay like this forever.
Blog statistics

I posted 1 blog post last month, the monthly update. If you have ideas or are interested in more details let me know in the comments.
That’s it for this month. Like last month let me know if you like the style and the ordering of topics.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below or contact me by email. I try to answer all comments and emails.
Hey. A year on year comparison at some might be interesting. Or 3 years. Like : what where the positive strategy, the no gain no loss and the loosing strategies on a long term view. That might be an idea
You mean for the stock portfolio?
You have a diverse investment strategy (crypto, loans, stock, etc..). I would be interested in your analysis on the long run (3-5years). Which investement strategy was the most interesting and which was the worst.
Very easy: Crypto was best, stocks ok, loans rather bad (I technically can’t recover the roughly 7k EUR stuck in there).
What would change in your life if you had 10Mio.., 100Mio ? I mean even as Billionare I would rather buy a moutain hut as spend my time in St. Tropez…
But maybe you can get the guy as mentor ? I guess he made the money ;-).
How did you come up with UI Path ?
I know that RPM is/was a big thing even before AI came up. and we even ran a project with SAP.
Do you have personal experence with it ?
I would stop working for others and only follow/build my own projects. The rich couple mentioned that they usually “escape” to St. Tropez to not have to deal with the 4 employees they have to maintain the house.
UI Path looked very undervalued right now and outlooks look good. No personal experiences, we’ll see how it goes.
Good idea with formally asking the guy to become my mentor.